
Trade your opinion on metal and energy commodity markets with high liquidity and low spreads.

Markets overview

Trade commodities and benefit from a crypto-first trading platform

9 commodity pairs

Account collateral in bitcoin, altcoins, gold or USD.

Narrow spreads

Trade on one of the world’s most liquid markets.

Trade Gold
on Webtrader

Make the most out of trading with Webtraders intuitive interface.

FAQ trading commodities

We currently offer precious metal trading with gold (XAUUSD and XAUEUR), silver (XAGUSD and XAGEUR), palladium, platinum, along with energy commodities like Natural gas, Brent crude spot, and WTI crude spot oil.

Fill out the registration form by entering only your name and email address and follow the activation link sent to your inbox.


Navigate to Wallets in your Flexaccount, and choose either a Deposit or Buy (with credit card) on the wallet of crypto you want to deposit. You can deposit in BTC, LTC, ETH, SOL, stablecoins USDT and USDC, and gold-pegged XAUT and PAXG tokens, or purchase all mentioned cryptos from your Flexaccount with a credit card, or bank transfer.

We do not have any daily limits. You can always withdraw all your funds from your Flexaccount, at any time you decide. Withdrawals are processed within hours, 7 days a week, everyday in a year. No bank holidays, no weekends, and no withdrawal fees of any kind.

Flex options
Flex options

Leverage commodities markets with crypto account collateral

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13 Church Rd, London N17 8AQ, UK